1 But there will be no more gloom for those who are now in anguish. In the past the land of Z'vulun and the land of Naftali were regarded lightly; but in the future he will honor the way to the lake, beyond the Yarden, Galil-of-the-Goyim. 2 The people living in darkness have seen a great light; upon those living in the land that lies in the shadow of death, light has dawned. 3 You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice in your presence as if rejoicing at harvest time, the way men rejoice when dividing up the spoil. 4 For the yoke that weighed them down, the bar across their shoulders, and their driver's goad you have broken as on the day of Midyan['s defeat]. 5 For all the boots of soldiers marching and every cloak rolled in blood is destined for burning, fuel for the fire. 6 For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; dominion will rest on his shoulders, and he will be given the name Pele-Yo'etz El Gibbor Avi-'Ad Sar-Shalom [Wonder of a Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace], 7 in order to extend the dominion and perpetuate the peace of the throne and kingdom of David, to secure it and sustain it through justice and righteousness henceforth and forever. The zeal of ADONAI-Tzva'ot will accomplish this.
When Isaiah wrote this prophecy under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it was not an unusual historical situation. Isra'el were being attacked and oppressed by neighbouring enemies, notably the Assyrians who were attacking the Northern Kingdom. Naphtali and Zebulun were on the northern border in NE Galilee, West of the River Jordan and were the first part of Isra'el to be invaded by the Assyrian King. An account of the events that occurred can be read in 2 Kings 15:29-31.
Isaiah wrote this prophecy somewhere in the years 735-715 BC, but if we look at Isra'el now we can see that there has been little change in her vulnerability to the enemies she has in the world. Not only is she being almost daily attacked by rockets from Gaza but the posture and attitude of many of her surrounding neighbours is in opposition to her very existence as a nation. On the world stage she is being adandoned by one nation after another. Countries which once supported Isra'el such as Turkey, USA and the UK are tending now towards support for the opponents of Isra'el, where they are tempted by worldy riches and power and the material assets which can be gained from this political stance.
Isra'el has been preserved and protected by God from the enemy hordes surrounding her, and today, so long after Isaiah's prophecy, against all the odds, she stands as a symbol of God's care and preservation of His own, of His salvation and deliverance. Similarly, we as the children of God are individually and collectively kept and preserved by a loving and caring God who in His mercy has promised to never leave us or forsake us.
We go on to read in verse 3 of isaiah 9 that "The people living in darkness have seen a great light; upon those living in the land that lies in the shadow of death, light has dawned." We know that this points forward to the coming of Jesus into the world, who referred to Himself as the light of the world. We are called to reflect that light to others, to be like beacons set on a hill. As the days we live in grow ever darker, the light of Christ shines out all the brighter in a dark world.
After explaining how Isra'el will overcome the opposition, we come to the words which are so relevant to us as Christians, and which we so often recall during the Christmas season as we celebrate the birthday of our Lord Jesus. In verse 6 we read, "For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.; dominion will rest on His shoulders, and He will be give the name Wonder of a Counsellor, Mighty God,, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace."
If you feel you need a Counsellor, it's fine to talk to fellow Christians and professional counsellors, but if they are any good they will point you to the most Wonderful Counsellor, Jesus Himself.
Jesus is also Mighty God, emptying Himself, becoming flesh and being found in the form of a servant. This is the wonder of the Incarnation, that God could become a man, He who is the Father of Eternity. Have you ever wondered how He finds time to answer all our individual and corporate prayers? He doesn't need time, because He is eternal and doesn't have to work within time constraints like us.
The final title given here, Prince of Peace, is the most significant one to me. In the same way way as Isra'el needs peace and we are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we need it now more than ever before. Jesus has produced peace and unlike earthly elements or commodities, it is priceless and available in endless supply. Jesus has bought us Peace with God through His perfect sacrifice for sin which is effective for all eternity. May you experience peace with God this Christmas as you allow Him into your life, and let Him impart His peace to your troubled soul and mind.
We read finally in this passage that the son of God, born to make us whole and reconcile us to the Father through dealing with the problem of sin which was nailed to the cross when He died, is establishing a Kingdom which will be an everlasting Kingdom. This is a work under construction, we often say that the Kingdom of God is "now-and not yet." Where you see God at work today, saving people, reaching out to those in need, healing and delivering people from those things that have enslaved them, the building blocks of that Kingdom are being put in place. I don't know about you, but I get really excited when I see the work and purposes of God being manifest day by day across the world.
I wish you a very happy and Christ-filled Christmas and end with a quote from a well-known carol, "Where meek souls will receive Him, Still the dear Lord enters in."
Isaiah wrote this prophecy somewhere in the years 735-715 BC, but if we look at Isra'el now we can see that there has been little change in her vulnerability to the enemies she has in the world. Not only is she being almost daily attacked by rockets from Gaza but the posture and attitude of many of her surrounding neighbours is in opposition to her very existence as a nation. On the world stage she is being adandoned by one nation after another. Countries which once supported Isra'el such as Turkey, USA and the UK are tending now towards support for the opponents of Isra'el, where they are tempted by worldy riches and power and the material assets which can be gained from this political stance.
Isra'el has been preserved and protected by God from the enemy hordes surrounding her, and today, so long after Isaiah's prophecy, against all the odds, she stands as a symbol of God's care and preservation of His own, of His salvation and deliverance. Similarly, we as the children of God are individually and collectively kept and preserved by a loving and caring God who in His mercy has promised to never leave us or forsake us.
We go on to read in verse 3 of isaiah 9 that "The people living in darkness have seen a great light; upon those living in the land that lies in the shadow of death, light has dawned." We know that this points forward to the coming of Jesus into the world, who referred to Himself as the light of the world. We are called to reflect that light to others, to be like beacons set on a hill. As the days we live in grow ever darker, the light of Christ shines out all the brighter in a dark world.
After explaining how Isra'el will overcome the opposition, we come to the words which are so relevant to us as Christians, and which we so often recall during the Christmas season as we celebrate the birthday of our Lord Jesus. In verse 6 we read, "For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.; dominion will rest on His shoulders, and He will be give the name Wonder of a Counsellor, Mighty God,, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace."
If you feel you need a Counsellor, it's fine to talk to fellow Christians and professional counsellors, but if they are any good they will point you to the most Wonderful Counsellor, Jesus Himself.
Jesus is also Mighty God, emptying Himself, becoming flesh and being found in the form of a servant. This is the wonder of the Incarnation, that God could become a man, He who is the Father of Eternity. Have you ever wondered how He finds time to answer all our individual and corporate prayers? He doesn't need time, because He is eternal and doesn't have to work within time constraints like us.
The final title given here, Prince of Peace, is the most significant one to me. In the same way way as Isra'el needs peace and we are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we need it now more than ever before. Jesus has produced peace and unlike earthly elements or commodities, it is priceless and available in endless supply. Jesus has bought us Peace with God through His perfect sacrifice for sin which is effective for all eternity. May you experience peace with God this Christmas as you allow Him into your life, and let Him impart His peace to your troubled soul and mind.
We read finally in this passage that the son of God, born to make us whole and reconcile us to the Father through dealing with the problem of sin which was nailed to the cross when He died, is establishing a Kingdom which will be an everlasting Kingdom. This is a work under construction, we often say that the Kingdom of God is "now-and not yet." Where you see God at work today, saving people, reaching out to those in need, healing and delivering people from those things that have enslaved them, the building blocks of that Kingdom are being put in place. I don't know about you, but I get really excited when I see the work and purposes of God being manifest day by day across the world.
I wish you a very happy and Christ-filled Christmas and end with a quote from a well-known carol, "Where meek souls will receive Him, Still the dear Lord enters in."