Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Beaten But Not Down by Tabinda Ayub

Beaten But Not Down

 by Tabinda Saher Ayub
Dear friends, I have a real story of my life and I want to share it with you. I hope after reading it you will really be made to think.
One day we were not at home, we went to my cousin’s wedding and then some people called us and told us that ”your house is burning!” So we went a short distance, and soon arrived back at our home. When we got there we saw our house had been totally burned to the ground.
The fire’s flames were very high, we could not look at our house’s destruction and we cried loudly. Our area’s people gathered and called the fire brigade team.  They came to control the fire, but our house was fully destroyed. Everything was destroyed, our house fell down. Our furniture, electronics, clothes, crockery, our books (full bags), school uniforms, etc., everything was burned.
We cried because we had worked very hard for everything we owned and we worried, ”How will we buy all these things again and how we will rebuild our house”? But God consoled us. We are strong Christians and believe only on the Lord Jesus Christ and we knew that one day God will provide us with everything needed.
We trust and obey God.  We tried to forget that incident and we started a new life in God’s name. Then Jesus Christ helped us in so many ways.  Our relatives collected some money for our help, even though they are also not very rich but they helped us.  With their help, we rebuilt our house with that money and brought new books, copies and school uniforms and then my younger brother and sisters were able to go to school.
Our relatives gave us some household goods and after 2 or 3 months we were able to buy our own things with our salaries and were able to return our relatives things. Slowly, slowly we bought more items to replace those lost, as God provided us.  We still don’t have all of our home needs, things like sofa, beds and other things but we hope God will must provide us with everything needed. Praise the Lord!
God is a great helper, we believe when we have a problem, God must open the way for help to us. We will follow Job’s hard life.
In the Holy Bible we read; ”Then Job arose,and rent his mantle,and shaved his head and fell down upon the ground and worshiped, And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither ; The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord”. (Job 1, 20:21)
My father’s name is Job (Ayub) so people said “you are really Job, your patience shows you are really like Job who obeyed the Lord.”
Then we were made as an example for our area’s people.  The people gave our example of patience to other people in these words, ”This family are very strong Christians, they are the great followers of Lord Jesus Christ, they obey God and only believe on God.  Therefore, God provides for them, when they need help.”
Now we are hopeful that one day God will help us stand again, and give us all those things we lost. ”I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause; which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number; Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the field; To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exatted to safety.” (Job 5, 8:11) AMEN!
In this story the lesson and moral is that, when we are in trouble, and we face many difficulties, we should believe on God and obey Him in very situation and pray regularly, then God surely will hear our prayer and help us and provide for us.
God bless you.
tabinda4Tabinda lives in Pakistan, is the founder and director of  Wpc Pakistan. She enjoys teaching Sunday School and loves to share her gift of writing.
As part of the World Prayr family, she serves with the Daily Devotional Blog team and Facebook team.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Are you an Ostrich?

I heard a story quite a long while ago, from my father. In the Australian outback, there was a small wooden hall with a sign outside labelling it "Ostrich Club." It had no proper floor, just desert sand, like the landscape for many miles around that area. Two ostriches arrived early for a club meeting one day and stood talking about the latest news and asking after each other's families, as ostriches do, no doubt. After about ten minutes they heard voices of other club members approaching and one said to the other, "Quick, let's hide!" and so they duly buried their heads in the sand. The approaching members walked through the entrance into the hall and one of them said, "there's no one here, so we must have come at the wrong time. We may as well go home."

How many of us go through life, keeping our heads down, metaphorically, trying not to get involved in anything, other than eating, drinking, buying and selling and perhaps working and enjoying the ride? I used to be rather like that, not wanting to hurt the feelings of others, trying to go unnoticed and just assumed it was because I was shy and introverted.

Then, as I gained more confidence and knowledge of life, I began to realise that the world and the rich variety of life was passing me by. I looked at the world, watched and read the news and began to see that things could be different. We don't need to accept things the way they are, but have been blessed to be placed on this planet for a time to make a difference, help other people who are less fortunate than ourselves, whether through political channels, our faith and hope, or committing acts of kindness. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that even when we smile at someone, we are sharing love and kindness with others, brightening up their day (paraphrased).

I used to be an ostrich in my mentality, and would have probably literally buried my head in the sand, had I lived in the Nevada or Sahara desert! Have a think about your own situation, are you into "political correctness," not wanting to rock an already rocky boat, or like wallpaper on Windows 7 or 8, just there looking pretty? Now think where you would like to be in a year from now, what you would like to be remembered for, what you want to achieve. What you do today will determine what you will be like then, your life may have direction, purpose and meaning or it may just be going round and round day by day orbiting the sun one more time!

Some years ago I read "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, and I can definitely recommend this as a good read. I have been given to believe that many celebrities have read this book, and many people who we would think had got life all figured out. It helps to put things in perspective and see that life itself is more important than what we possess, what we eat and drink and what we wear.

Please feel free to write to me with any comments, questions or join in our discussions on the Bible Study and Prayer group. God bless you and I hope to hear from you soon.

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