Monday, 31 January 2011

If you were put on trial for your faith, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Within the huge community of Christians living throughout the world, said by some to number more than 1 billion people (the Lord alone knows how many are truly His) there are many who live comfortable, middle class lives, suffer no particular hardships materially or spiritually and lead what we would call a “normal” life according to the cultural environment in which they live.

One thing characterizes the lives of true followers of Jesus Christ, and that is that they have turned around (repented or made a 180 degree turn) to leave this world’s relative values behind to follow the one who is King of kings and Lord of lords. Imagine what would happen if you were driving along a major road in heavy traffic and decided to do a U turn and drive against the oncoming traffic on your side of the road. There would inevitably be a clash or crash of vehicles with very severe repercussions. It reminds me of the story of the man who was driving along a major road. His wife phoned him on his mobile phone to warn him that there was a report on the travel news that someone was driving the opposite way to the rest of the traffic on the road where he was travelling and he should take care. Looking out from his car he replied to his wife, “hey dear, there’s not just one car, but loads of them!”

Ever since the Church was born at Pentecost about 2,000 years ago, Christians have been called to be witnesses to their Lord, a word which translated from the Greek means the same as martyr, one who is prepared to die for what they believe. We know that Stephen was the first Christian martyr and Saul, who later became known as Paul was there, giving approval to the event, was standing there keeping watch over the coats of the men who stoned Stephen to death. Paul was one of the greatest persecutors of the very first Christians before his dramatic conversion to Christ on the road to Damascus, on his way to arrest Christians and take them in chains to Jerusalem. He later says that at the time he was convinced that he was doing the right thing.

Throughout the history of the church there have been those who have been called on to suffer for their faith because their values are in opposition to those of this world and today we know them as the persecuted church. There are currently many Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus, in places such as Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan and North Korea, to name just a few places.

It is Pakistan I wish to talk about, because I am in daily contact with Christians there and have recently been made aware of a serious humanitarian situation involving persecuted Christians in a remote region of the country called Gojra. In 2009 a very serious confrontation occurred there, now referred to as the GOJRA INCIDENT. This was a very serious clash between Christians and Muslims which resulted in a church being burned to the ground, 40 Christian houses being destroyed by fire, the death of 7 Christians and the injury or harm of a further 18. There are many videos providing evidence of these events. If you go to YouTube and type GOJRA INCIDENT in capital letters you can see much graphic footage and images of what took place there.
I read an article a few days ago which indicated that somewhere between 100-200 million Christians are currently suffering or being persecuted for their faith around the world. We are told when we come to Christ that we are to take up our cross daily and follow Him, and that Christianity is not the road to health, wealth and prosperity or the instant solution to all our problems as some preach so eloquently in their designer suits on their dedicated TV channels. Our great Lord and master was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. His life was one of service to the poor, needy and suffering and we are called to follow in His footsteps.

The situation in Gojra has deteriorated to such an extent recently, not helped by severe flooding in Pakistan, that I was recently asked by a Christian living in Gojra to ask if we could help to provide funding for food and clothing. They are currently living through Winter conditions in that region of the world and suffering from food and clothing shortages, producing a very accute need for humanitarian assistance. I immediately put the organization working on behalf of the Christians in Gojra in touch with Barnabas Fund and later Open Doors, also contacting these Christian ministries myself. Both these organizations are active in Pakistan.

Let me describe a few things I have been told about what it is like to declare your faith in Christ if you live in Gojra. You would be unable to get a job with an employer unless it was a menial one like sweeping streets or doing domestic chores, even if you were highly educated and qualified. Many Christian women work in Muslim households and are paid a pittance, but have to do this work as it is the only source of income for their families because their husbands can’t get jobs.

Donations can currently be made to help the extreme needs of our brothers and sisters in this area. We are told that when one member of Christ’s body suffers, we all suffer with him or her. This is how I have felt during the past few weeks. I have felt the weight of the problems of these persecuted brothers and sisters so heavily and at times almost moving me to tears.

Then, a few days ago I was contacted by a Christian pastor in Lahore, which is apparently only 4 hours drive away from Gojra. He knew nothing about my involvement with Gojra or the needs of the brothers and sisters there. I believe God led Him to me to bring his awareness to the needs of fellow Christians on his own doorstep. He has indicated that his church can provide some funding to help the Gojra Christians in their current circumstances. I believe we are beginning to see God break into this situation and bring Christian brothers into contact who can work together to help this part of the persecuted Church.

Once we establish contacts with Barnabas Fund, Open Doors or both, we hope to be able to send donations more easily and efficiently to where the needs are greatest through one or both of these ministries. Until then, please give as the Lord leads you through the channels open to us currently. The good news is that the Pakistani Rupee is very devalued and continues to devalue very quickly at the moment, so your donation, however small it may seem to you, could meet a lot of needs!

Please visit my open group “Help for Christians in Gojra, Pakistan” on Facebook if you want to receive updates on the Gojra situation and sign up to the group if you feel you want to declare your support for this small part of the persecuted church.

We may be grateful to them in the near future for their help to us when we are being persecuted for our faith in Christ. They have already told me that they are praying for us!

Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” ~ Matthew 5:11-12

Just a closing thought. “If you were put on trial for your faith, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

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